
Our flexible pricing structure allows you to use interchangeable units for different purposes, such as email summarization, email compilation, or minute of voice recording.

For instance, you can utilise 60 units for 60 minutes of uploaded voice recording, 50 units for summarising 50 emails, and 70 units for receiving 70 emails from various sources, for compilation.

FREE 60 units for New Sign Up to get started!



Summarises important takeaways and generates actionable items for meetings

Transform spoken words into text format

Support multiple spoken languages

Condense large amount of info into easily understandable and concise summaries

Supports summarising information in website links

Supports processing information in multiple languages

Generates summary in multiple languages

Aggregate information automatically

Chat with Compiled Emails 

Newsmaker for End-to-end automation with popular email marketing platforms to create professional newsletters*

Version update

Optional Private Cloud


Individual Plan

Sign up at

USD 9.99

480 units ( equivalent to 480 emails or 8 hours recording)


Corporate Plan

Contact Sales

From USD 26.99

1500 units (equivalent to 1500 emails or 25 hours recording)
